SPS Argos Section

Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) and Implementation Statement

The Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) is a written statement which sets out the Trustee’s investment policy for the Sainsbury’s Pension Scheme. It includes information on how the Trustee considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues when choosing investments, among other things. The Trustee reviews the SIP regularly, to make sure that the investment strategy is still helping the Scheme achieve its objectives. The Trustee has to make the SIP available to members on a public website.

You can read the most recent SIP here.

From 1 October 2021, the Trustee also has to produce an Implementation Statement, which explains how the policies set out in the SIP have been implemented.

You can read the Implementation Statement here.

The Trustee has also published a statement setting out the Scheme’s approach to delivering a net zero goal.

You can read the Net Zero Statement here.