Sainsbury's Self-Invested Pension Plan (SIPP)

Useful links

You may find the following pension-related websites and contact details useful:

MoneyHelper is the new Government service that provides free guidance and information to help you manage your finances, including your pension. All of the information that was previously available through Pension Wise, The Pensions Advisory Service and the Money Advice Service has been moved to the new MoneyHelper website. You can still make an appointment with Pension Wise to discuss your defined contribution pot if you’re aged 50 or over, but you would go to the MoneyHelper website to do this.
The Pensions Ombudsman service is an independent organisation set up by law to investigate complaints or disputes about pension schemes. They can also help if you have a complaint about a decision made by the Pension Protection Fund.
GroceryAid offers help and support to those who have worked (or are currently working) in the UK grocery trade for 10 years or more and are struggling to get by.